I have great news to announce, no Meg is not pregnant again (I am not sure I would consider that great at times), no I did not save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance, and no I did not find a new job, but I did get my License to practice counseling. I guess the licensure board met on me in April and went ahead and gave it to me. Now I am just looking for a new job to use my newfound skills. Keep that in your prayers.
Another joy has been the opportunity to watch our neighbors' son Boston on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fridays. All of the kids are getting along well and it provides us with some much needed (thanks to gas and groceries) extra cash.
We are all doing well and I promise to add some more pics soon.
Love the Courtneys
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
A new distraction
Sorry, Meg and I forgot to post last night because we were too busy playing Dance Dance Revolution (DDR for short). I can't help myself, I just get those dancing vibes and I have to go for it. If you have never played it before it is a blast. Andy was highly addicted to it. We had to practically tear him off the dance floor to give everyone else a chance. He has a unique style all his own, I must say.
I like the idea of playing a video game and actually being some what active simultaniously. It truly is a novel idea. The songs are easily recognizeable and fun to step to. Dancing with the Stars here I come...(Oh I guess I have to be a star first.), correction becoming a star and then Dancing with the stars here I come!
Meg and I also had a our first youth lock-in with the youth group. It was a blast. I must say I have a truly amazing bunch of kids in that group. They were so willing to take charge and help out and they even listened to the rules. Meg and I have not done an all nighter in a long time and boy do I feel old. We slept 5 hours on Saturday, thankfully, my parents watched the kids until their nap so we could sleep.
Well all is well here. Hope the same for all of you.
I like the idea of playing a video game and actually being some what active simultaniously. It truly is a novel idea. The songs are easily recognizeable and fun to step to. Dancing with the Stars here I come...(Oh I guess I have to be a star first.), correction becoming a star and then Dancing with the stars here I come!
Meg and I also had a our first youth lock-in with the youth group. It was a blast. I must say I have a truly amazing bunch of kids in that group. They were so willing to take charge and help out and they even listened to the rules. Meg and I have not done an all nighter in a long time and boy do I feel old. We slept 5 hours on Saturday, thankfully, my parents watched the kids until their nap so we could sleep.
Well all is well here. Hope the same for all of you.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Steal your Dollar City
Meg, myself, her parents, grandparents and sister all loaded up
the truck and moved to Hillbilly junction. It was sort of a reverse Beverly Hillbillies. The world fest was in full swing and I must say if you are ever given the chance to go, take it. I loved learning about world cultures, especially the Irish and Trinidad steel drummers. Meg and everyone else said the Chinese acrobats were phenomenal but sadly Zane would not sit and wait long enough for the show to start so he and I
sat outside the theater listening to banjo pickin', jug blowin', and harmonica playin' music. Had the show taken any longer, I may have had to pull my hair out. After that, though, Zane was able to make it through the remaining shows (Food helps....A LOT).
Another exciting moment was the kiddie rides. Zoey absolutely loved them. She wanted more and more. Zane didn't. He screamed bloody murder, one would have thought we were torturing him old school, with whips and such. This was all on the carousel even. How lame is that, the carousel.

It started out as a lovely 70 degree, sunny day but after the Irish Feet on Fire (the name reminds me of Athlete's Foot Cream), it turned into a blustery cold winter day. Welcome to the Ozarks. Needless to say we had a blast and look forward to taking full advantage of our season passes. Next is Bluegrass and BBQ.
Unfortunately Meg and I forgot the camera, okay I forgot the camera, but I did get a few fun pics of the kids + Aiden playing outside on the swingset.
Enjoy and Take care.

Another exciting moment was the kiddie rides. Zoey absolutely loved them. She wanted more and more. Zane didn't. He screamed bloody murder, one would have thought we were torturing him old school, with whips and such. This was all on the carousel even. How lame is that, the carousel.

It started out as a lovely 70 degree, sunny day but after the Irish Feet on Fire (the name reminds me of Athlete's Foot Cream), it turned into a blustery cold winter day. Welcome to the Ozarks. Needless to say we had a blast and look forward to taking full advantage of our season passes. Next is Bluegrass and BBQ.
Unfortunately Meg and I forgot the camera, okay I forgot the camera, but I did get a few fun pics of the kids + Aiden playing outside on the swingset.
Enjoy and Take care.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A sign of the Apocalypse

I MOWED THE YARD! Hey it is true I actually mowed the yard and it isn't even Memorial Day yet. No I am not sick, no my notorious friend Andy did not mow crop circles in my backyard, and no my wife didn't make me, I just mowed it. I did not want my children to have to hack their way to the swing-set with machetes. Since we have had so much rain, it was beginning to get to that stage.
Speaking of the swing-set, I officially screwed the last little accessories (handles and a fake dormer window; why a fake dormer window I have no i

Well I hope all are doing well this week. Take care.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thoughts From a Grateful Heart
Shaun and I are turning a new leaf. (Shaun says Meg is making me keep the blog updated.) Shaun and I are pledging TOGETHER to update our blog on a weekl
y basis. So, check weekly for new pictures and anecdotes from a family on a road less traveled.
About a year ago I read the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. There is a part in the book that talks about how God romances us. It says, "The story of your life is also the story of the long and passionate pursuit of your heart by the One who knows you best and loves you most. God has writt
en the Romance not only on our hearts but all over the world around us. What we need is for him to open our eyes, to open our ears that we might recognize his voice calling to us, see his hand wooing us in the beauty that quickens our hearts."
I have experienced many of these moments in my life, but I want to tell you about one such moment that happened just this week. With the rise in prices of almost e
verything, and the unfortunate plateau of Shaun's salary, we have had to become uber-frugal. Zane and Zoey can pack away almost as much food as we can, causing our grocery bill to skyrocket. I have always loved to cook and share the bounty that God has blessed us with. However, lately I have begun feeling the need to hoard that same bounty, afraid that we would run out or not have enough for the month.
Twice this week I felt myself get tense when the opportunity for hospitality arose. Each time the story of Elijah and the widow came to my mind. I remembered how God sent Elijah to the widow's house for food. But the widow replied and said that she only had enough fl
our and oil for one last meal for her and her son and then they would die. Elijah said go ahead and cook your meal, but make me a small loaf first. He promised her that she would not run out of flour and oil until the drought was over. She and Elijah and her son continued to eat from her supply of flour and oil for many days. No matter how much they used, she always had just enough.
After remembering the story, I would relax and happily share out of God's provision. One of the meals I shared was lunch with some friends of ours who had come over for a play date. We had Tyson chicken nuggets, peas, and fruit. Today, Shaun's parents came to visit bearing gifts. Shaun's Grandma Courtney and her friend Earlene had sent us 5 bags of Tyson chicken nuggets. It turns out Earlene had work
ed for Tyson and was able to get the nuggets at a discounted price and thought the kids would enjoy them.
For me it was God once again whispering his love and concern for me. He knew I was worried about running out. But, through our generous and loving family, he assured me, just as he assured the widow through Elijah, that we would not run out. He will always meet our needs. What a wonderful God we serve! We are surrounded by family and friends that love us and take care of us. I thank God for each of you every day. Listen for the ways God is romancing your own heart.

About a year ago I read the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. There is a part in the book that talks about how God romances us. It says, "The story of your life is also the story of the long and passionate pursuit of your heart by the One who knows you best and loves you most. God has writt

I have experienced many of these moments in my life, but I want to tell you about one such moment that happened just this week. With the rise in prices of almost e

Twice this week I felt myself get tense when the opportunity for hospitality arose. Each time the story of Elijah and the widow came to my mind. I remembered how God sent Elijah to the widow's house for food. But the widow replied and said that she only had enough fl

After remembering the story, I would relax and happily share out of God's provision. One of the meals I shared was lunch with some friends of ours who had come over for a play date. We had Tyson chicken nuggets, peas, and fruit. Today, Shaun's parents came to visit bearing gifts. Shaun's Grandma Courtney and her friend Earlene had sent us 5 bags of Tyson chicken nuggets. It turns out Earlene had work

For me it was God once again whispering his love and concern for me. He knew I was worried about running out. But, through our generous and loving family, he assured me, just as he assured the widow through Elijah, that we would not run out. He will always meet our needs. What a wonderful God we serve! We are surrounded by family and friends that love us and take care of us. I thank God for each of you every day. Listen for the ways God is romancing your own heart.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Get Your Books Here!
Hey this must be a new record, I posted twice in a row. Well I am writing to inform all of my adoring fans of Meg's new career endeavor. She is officially selling USBORNE Books. Usborne books are as Meg says, "High quality, educational children's books." She is really excited, but a little overwhelmed by the wealth of information that she is trying to understand so that she can be a well informed consultant (sounds official doesn't it). She already has three, possibly four, parties booked so keep her in your prayers. Well guys take care.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
It has been quite an adventure these past few months, but I have really enjoyed it. I do feel sorry for Meg though. She gets the full brunt of the kids and I thank God for a job outside of the home!
Well I have several different pics for you. The first is of Zane asleep on the couch, he was just tuckered out. Another is Cade in that bumbo thingy. I have one of the kids carving pumpkins (don't worry Meg and I used the knives) Then the final three are of the kids trick or treating. Zane and Zoey are Pebbles and Bam Bam and Cade is the saber toothed tiger. We had a blast. Well take care all and I will write again... sometime!
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