Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's cute at 1...

On here are a few cute pictures that Meg and I took of the twins. Zoey has found that she enjoys sitting in the cabinet for some reason. Zane apparently is like his Uncle Jason and wants to accessorize. Zane and Zoey enjoyed playing with their bubble maker (look at their eyes!) and they also enjoyed running into the street repeatedly.
Now I am going to be starting a new topic on this blog called "It's cute at 1... but not at 15". I will be making a list of things that you can't help but ooohhh and aaahhh about to a toddler but would call a psychiatrist if it was a teenager. These are all things that Meg or I have observed.

1) Attempt to put your fingers in poop and then eat it. (Funny as a one year old, but there are psychological diagnosis for this as a teenager.)
2) Turn the TV on and off repeatedly. (Actually this is annoying even if they are a one year old)
3) Drool all over your shirt, pants, furniture, floor, parents, bedding....
4) Run around the house naked. (okay I admit this may be fun but not with company around)
5) Eat dirt off the floor. (that was Zoey, hey it looked like Chocolate)
6) Steal from others. (This becomes a felony later on in life)
7) Eat baby lotion. (Helps clean the colon)
8) Bite others!
9) Bang your head against the wall repeatedly and laugh.
10) Drink bath water. (yum, mineral water!)

And the best one yet
11) Attempt to touch your siblings peepee! (We have almost put a stop to this one thankfully)

We will continue to add "It's cute at 1..." every once in a while. For those of you that have children, please feel free to let me know any things that you witness.
Well take care all.
P.S. Adam, great ideas. I pray that I never make an enemy out of you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Great Prank War of '07

Well, the great prank war has began thanks to Andy, my dear friend. He fired off the first salvo when he decided to mow a W and zig zags into my yard. I must say some good came out of his prank because a) it made me get the drive to mow my yard and b) he started my mower for the first time this year. Now I said Andy started the war but I am finishing it. I went to his house while he was away in KC and teepee'd his 6 baby trees that he is attempting to grow on his front porch. They look like little tissue paper snowmen. I can't wait to see how Andy responds! If you have any great ideas for future pranks please share with me so I can use them on Andy!

PS: Hey Adam, I love the ideas for the eggs. I think that we ought to wrap the eggs in foil for the paranoid schizophrenic rodents that fear mind control!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Now what do I do with all of these plastic eggs?

Well I told my family in my first post that I would be placing photos of the children, and my mother so graciously reminded me of this fact. I must say I am lousy at remembering to take pictures. I always seem to forget to capture the moment on digital bytes and then regret missing the moment later on. Then when I do remember to grab the camera, the kids stop performing. It is like a child conspiracy or something. Well here are a few pictures that I felt were worth showing.

This first picture is of Zoey trying on her Easter dress. I know I am biased but she does look like a beautiful little princess.

Next Zoey and Zane enjoyed a lovely Easter Egg Hunt with the Parents as Teachers in Republic. Zane loved finding the eggs, Zoey loved finding other children's eggs more. (It is easier to let someone else do all of the work after all)
Finally, the kids got to meet the Easter Bunny and I must say I was quite surprised neither one of them made a single sound.
Now I am going to talk about my Easter experience becuase it is my blog and I can do whatever I feel like.
We all were able to enjoy Easter as a family since Meg recieved a good report from the doctor. We were able to visit my family in Joplin on Saturday and spend time with my grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was a nice time together. We then were able to go to church as a family. I can't tell you how nice it is to get to go to church with my wife again. It had been several months since we went to church together becuase of the twins 2 month bout with RSV and then Meg's bed rest because of the pregnancy. One thing I will say though, the children will have to go to the nursery. I refuse to cave in again and let them sit with us. Meg tells me how nice it will be to sit as a family (which it was for 35 minutes) until both Zane and Zoey decided they were tired of Jerry's (our Pastor) sermon. It wasn't Jerry's fault, it just is difficult to keep a 15 month';s attention for long. Finally we ended our Easter celebration by spending time with Meg's family. I always enjoy this time, but it was extra special because Greg, Meghan's cousin and I had a very good discussion with Bud, Megs grandfather, about Christ's love and God's grace. We discussed the sermon we heard and how it really applies to our lives right now. I felt very glad to be a part of it.
I only have one question about Easter that is bothering me, What in the world do I do with all of these darn plastic eggs? If you have any suggestions please share them with me!
Well that is about all I have to say for now. Keep the comments coming because as Adam said it is my crack cocaine and I am in need of a good fix!
See ya later

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Simple things Excite me!

Wow my first comments. This is truly a momentous occasion. I feel empowered, like superman, faster then a Pentium processor, stronger then a titanium case, and able to post blogs in a single nap time. Comments are like winning an Oscar. "You love me, you really love me!" Comments are my drug of choice, it only took 2 and it has me hooked. Okay enough with the melodrama , thank you guys.

Take care!

Adam, I guess I will have to gain that proof of friendship by having you place my link on your page!

Amanda, I probably won't be obessessively writing entries because of the twins of the apocalypse but I will try my best!

Friday, April 13, 2007

You found us!

Well, I guess it was inevitable that I would eventually join the millions of people that have turned to recording their thoughts and life on little electronic bytes. So I bring you the thoughts from a road less traveled. Meg and I have often seen our life as a series of less traveled paths. Meg blames it on my choice to be a counselor. She says that God wants me to be able to experience every possible crazy situation so I can empathize with people and not just sympathize with them. I must say her logic can be quite convincing at times when looking at the evidence. This journal will be a chance for us to share our growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and most importantly spiritually. It will also be a chance for me to just tell random stuff about my family's life.

P.S. This also will keep my relatives from hounding me all the time to email them pictures of the twins and Cade (when hecomes also).