Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Wow, a month gone by!

Man, either I am not a devoted blogger or my life has been too busy for my own good. I go with the second one. Well, in the past month, my wife turned 28 (I'm still a pup at 27), my sister-in-law graduated high school. Zane learned the word "no" and hasn't stopped using. Zoey learned to kiss (this will be the death of me yet). Zoey also learned "uh oh" and "baby" but every parent knows that their children never perform when you want them to, alas my kids are no different.
Well I guess I should update cute at 1, disturbing at 15.

1. Girls kissing boys (Like any good father this scares me)

2. Eating baby powder

3. Skinny dipping with the opposite sex (That one goes out to Aiden)

4. Still eating rocks

5. fascinated by watching adults use the restroom

6. putting hands into other people's mouth

7. Peeing in the pool (everyone out, it just got warm

Well I will keep them coming. Here are some pics of the kids in their new pool and at the park with their best friend Aiden. Enjoy and have a great week. See ya!


Barr Family said...

Too cute you guys! I love little baby swimsuits! Amanda

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! Love babies in swim suits! Glad you decided to blog again!