Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Great Prank War of '07

Well, the great prank war has began thanks to Andy, my dear friend. He fired off the first salvo when he decided to mow a W and zig zags into my yard. I must say some good came out of his prank because a) it made me get the drive to mow my yard and b) he started my mower for the first time this year. Now I said Andy started the war but I am finishing it. I went to his house while he was away in KC and teepee'd his 6 baby trees that he is attempting to grow on his front porch. They look like little tissue paper snowmen. I can't wait to see how Andy responds! If you have any great ideas for future pranks please share with me so I can use them on Andy!

PS: Hey Adam, I love the ideas for the eggs. I think that we ought to wrap the eggs in foil for the paranoid schizophrenic rodents that fear mind control!

1 comment:

Adam Harshman said...

Prank ideas (don't blame me if someone goes to jail).
1) Switch the license plates on both cars to the other car. Then call in to report the car stolen.
"Uhh... Officer I have no idea why the plates on the car don't match the records!?!"
2)Volunteer to walk all the dogs in the neighborhood and take them over to poop in his yard.
3)Break into his house and clear out his bedroom, setting it up just like it was, in the garage (or front lawn, if you're so bold).