Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rubber Ducky you're the one...

Bath time is going to be the death of me I think. Let me tell you about my misadventures last night surrounding bath time. I bathe the twins every other evening by myself because of Meg's bedrest. I really don't mind doing it, I usually enjoy it in fact but last night was far from enjoyable. It started with Zane whining after dinner so I went to start the bath and like moths to a flame the twins came to me. I was going to just strip them down and drop them in the bath when I caught a whiff of a very odorous diaper from Zoey. This changed the plans. I had to usher the children out of the bathroom, making them feel robbed of their fun so they screamed and cried at me. I then had to capture a crying Zoey and change her diaper. She calmed down and was stripped to the skin. I turned to get her brother, who was still whiny, and grabbed him. I now begin to take his clothes off when I hear an odd sound of water being poured on the carpet. I look up and see Zoey laughing, (hey it beats the whining at least) and seeing her peeing all over the carpet. I now have to get some wipes and move her off of the pee spot on the floor with a whining Zane in my lap. The messed is cleaned up and the kids are ready for bath time. I put them in the tub and let them splash (me) around a little bit and then begin washing their hair and bodies. I had just finished bathing both of them and was giving them a few more minutes of fun when I noticed several pecular objects floating in the tub. Yep, one of them decided that their bowels were relaxed enough to use the tub as a large diaper and left daddy with a real problem. I now had to remove both kids and place them on the floor. Meghan is laughing from a safe distance at this point but I call for her assistance in corraling the kids. So I am draining the tub, removing toys, and trying to keep the kids out of the toy, when I hear that darn running water again this time falling on tile. Sure enough Zane decided to pee on the bathroom floor. So Meg gets some toilet paper and begins to clean up that mess while trying to keep 2 pairs of feet out of it, while I am removing fecal matter from the tub. After we both clean up the messes and sprayed cleaner in the tub and floor, I put the kids back in the tub to be washed all over again, luckily this time it was uneventful. I think next time I need to bathe them I am just going to take them out back and hose them off in the yard.

See ya!


Unknown said...

Love the pictures, but what's with all the body function humor?

Barr Family said...

Oh my gosh that is too funny. I can only imagine...you all should have had a camera rolling!

Anonymous said...

hey there. its been a long time. glad to hear about whats been going on. it appears everything is ok in your neck of the woods. everything is normal out here in ct. i will catch you later when its not 2:30 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Shaun, your story is hilarious! I have to say, I am a little nervous about Braden getting this big though. I am not sure I am quite ready for that kind of "fun"!

Anonymous said...

Aboslutely hysterical! My hubby too lived a very similar situation about a year ago with my twin boys. Having 2 makes everything in life much more interesting.

On a side note, if you don't already have one, one of those hand-held shower heads is a must for parents of small children, especially the more small children you have. Really seems to help those type of out of control issues & makes clean up at least a few seconds quicker.

--Heather (formerly of Republic, friends of the Crowes)

catrina said...

Hey guys, I can't believe the twins are 1 year old. Where has time gone? And your expecting again? Goodness. CONGRATS! Your babies are beautiful. They both look like you, Zoey like Meghan and Zane like Shaun. It's amazing how much they resemble you each! I would love to get together sometime. It's so sad that we live so close (well were in Nixa now) yet time seems to be fleeting! I am so proud of the job you guys are doing, keep it up and keep the pictures coming, I LOVE THEM!