Friday, August 17, 2007

Bringing home Baby

Hey all, I have been an awful blogger this summer but I have a good excuse, I have twin toddlers and HAD a pregnant wife. This does not allow much in the way of free time. Well, the rumors are true, Cade was born on Monday the 13th (the day after our anniversary) at 759 am via C-section. Let me tell you C-sections look cool. He was 8 lbs 2oz. and 21 and 1/2 inches long. He is very healthy. Everyone asks who he looks like. We think he looks like Meg's family. In fact my brother told me that he didn't think I contributed to Cade at all. He may very well be right. It has been an exciting week for us. Zane and Zoey stayed with Meg's mom and dad while we were in the hospital and they would bring the twins up to see us. On Monday night, we had a lot of visitors which was great, but it became apparent very quickly that Zane did not want to be there. He ignored his baby brother all together. Zoey looked at him a couple of times but appeared to prefer performing for the crowd. The next night, there were fewer visitors so we thought we would try again with the twins. Well, it was exciting to say the least, Zane was avoiding his mother all night and only wanted to be near his grammy (Meg's mom). Then when Debbie picked up Cade, Zane had a meltdown. He threw himself on the floor in a perfect tantrum. I ended up taking him for a walk and he did fine until we returned to the room, then the meltdown returned. Meg and I talked and decided I needed to be home with them before Cade returned. During all of this, Meg was having difficulty breast feeding so we decided to bottle feed but then lo and behold, her milk began to come in. So now we are trying to find out what works best for us. Cade came home on thursday and he began to get hazed into the courtney family (trial by fire). Zane and Zoey now both are becoming adjusted to Cade and Cade couldn't give a flying rip about them as long as they don't step on him. We seem to be making but we look forward to nap time let me tell you. I did want to say a hearty thank you to all of the friends and family that have done so much for us during this pregnancy and now delivery.

Now I know the real reason you wanted to look at this was for the pics so I will give you what you asked for, calm down.

Thanks for the prayers so far, but please don't stop. We need all of the prayers we can get.

Love 5 Courtneys


Unknown said...

What a perfect family!!!!! Everyone looks like they are settling in just fine!!!! Glad to get he update -
Love, mom (courtney)

Christina said...

You guys have beautiful babies!! Congrat's on little Cade! He is so cute!! We are excited for you!! Keep the pictures coming! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, guys! I'm so glad to see your family growing. I know from experience you have a long road ahead, but let me encourage you with the promise that it will all be worth it & those kids will love each other more & more dearly as they grow!!
Praying for you,

Heather (friend of Sarah & Justin)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you updated your blog! He is beautiful!!! Can't wait to spend some time with you guys.

Anonymous said...

Way to go you guys! He is prefect! Mom forwarded your site and I'm so glad she did. Can't wait to see you sometime. God bless your family!

Kindermusik with Ellen said...

Congratulations to the Courtney family! Cade is a cutie, or should I say so handsome. There might be some days in the future spent referee-ing, but they should enjoy playing together. Give them all a big kiss from me.