Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Great news

I have great news to announce, no Meg is not pregnant again (I am not sure I would consider that great at times), no I did not save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance, and no I did not find a new job, but I did get my License to practice counseling. I guess the licensure board met on me in April and went ahead and gave it to me. Now I am just looking for a new job to use my newfound skills. Keep that in your prayers.

Another joy has been the opportunity to watch our neighbors' son Boston on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fridays. All of the kids are getting along well and it provides us with some much needed (thanks to gas and groceries) extra cash.

We are all doing well and I promise to add some more pics soon.

Love the Courtneys


secrowe said...

Congratulations! We will definitely be in prayer about a new job. We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Seems like great job-related news is in the air.

Barr Family said...

Ok Courtneys...what happened to blogging every Sunday night? You are a little overdue! :)

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