Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Now what do I do with all of these plastic eggs?

Well I told my family in my first post that I would be placing photos of the children, and my mother so graciously reminded me of this fact. I must say I am lousy at remembering to take pictures. I always seem to forget to capture the moment on digital bytes and then regret missing the moment later on. Then when I do remember to grab the camera, the kids stop performing. It is like a child conspiracy or something. Well here are a few pictures that I felt were worth showing.

This first picture is of Zoey trying on her Easter dress. I know I am biased but she does look like a beautiful little princess.

Next Zoey and Zane enjoyed a lovely Easter Egg Hunt with the Parents as Teachers in Republic. Zane loved finding the eggs, Zoey loved finding other children's eggs more. (It is easier to let someone else do all of the work after all)
Finally, the kids got to meet the Easter Bunny and I must say I was quite surprised neither one of them made a single sound.
Now I am going to talk about my Easter experience becuase it is my blog and I can do whatever I feel like.
We all were able to enjoy Easter as a family since Meg recieved a good report from the doctor. We were able to visit my family in Joplin on Saturday and spend time with my grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was a nice time together. We then were able to go to church as a family. I can't tell you how nice it is to get to go to church with my wife again. It had been several months since we went to church together becuase of the twins 2 month bout with RSV and then Meg's bed rest because of the pregnancy. One thing I will say though, the children will have to go to the nursery. I refuse to cave in again and let them sit with us. Meg tells me how nice it will be to sit as a family (which it was for 35 minutes) until both Zane and Zoey decided they were tired of Jerry's (our Pastor) sermon. It wasn't Jerry's fault, it just is difficult to keep a 15 month';s attention for long. Finally we ended our Easter celebration by spending time with Meg's family. I always enjoy this time, but it was extra special because Greg, Meghan's cousin and I had a very good discussion with Bud, Megs grandfather, about Christ's love and God's grace. We discussed the sermon we heard and how it really applies to our lives right now. I felt very glad to be a part of it.
I only have one question about Easter that is bothering me, What in the world do I do with all of these darn plastic eggs? If you have any suggestions please share them with me!
Well that is about all I have to say for now. Keep the comments coming because as Adam said it is my crack cocaine and I am in need of a good fix!
See ya later


Barr Family said...

We love those kiddos! How cute are they?!!! Plastic eggs...we let Gracie play with them for a few weeks and then...well, we throw them away. Not probaby the most environment friendly thing to do, but we don't have anywhere to keep them and they are super cheap at Walmart! Have a great day!

Adam Harshman said...

Top 10 ideas for what to do with plastic eggs:
1)Store loose screws and bolts in them
2)Smash them into little plastic confetti and throw them all over your neighbor's lawn
3)Create colorful single-egg storage containers for your real eggs
4)Take the halfs to church and spice up the communion trays
5)Shot glasses
6)Melt them down and then make a plastic statue of Martin Luther King Jr
7)Put Diet 7-up in one side and a Mento in the other, put the egg together and enjoy!
8)Put messages in them and throw them in the ocean.
9)Designer hubcaps
10)Make little helmets for all the squirels in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Sean, those pictures are adorable! Thank you for posting them! I really like Adam's idea of making littl squirrle helmits out of the eggs!

Unknown said...

The babies are adorable!!! Love the pictures. Is this correct blog etiquette?

Anonymous said...

You write very well.