Sunday, April 20, 2008

A sign of the Apocalypse

I MOWED THE YARD! Hey it is true I actually mowed the yard and it isn't even Memorial Day yet. No I am not sick, no my notorious friend Andy did not mow crop circles in my backyard, and no my wife didn't make me, I just mowed it. I did not want my children to have to hack their way to the swing-set with machetes. Since we have had so much rain, it was beginning to get to that stage.

Speaking of the swing-set, I officially screwed the last little accessories (handles and a fake dormer window; why a fake dormer window I have no idea, but hey who am I to argue) this afternoon. Hey I was feeling tasky, don't knock it. I have some lovely pics of the kids playing on it that I want to share with all of you. This has been the best birthday gift yet. I know they have only had two, but still. Zoey loves the swings, too the point of obsession (swing, swing, swing, etc.) and Zane loves the slide. He attempted the rock wall with a lot of gusto, but sadly very little skill. I will have to work on him to prepare him for Sam's Throne.

Well I hope all are doing well this week. Take care.


Barr Family said...

Yay! We had such a good time on your swingset this morning! Thanks for sharing.
Amanda, Gracie, and Michaela

Christina said...

What a fun looking swing set!! :)Great job putting it together, it looks awesome!!! Hope your week is blessed!!!
:) Christina